
UHP is a Rome Tor Vergata University Electronic engineering department spin-off that has been set up to become a center of excellence able to carry out projects/leading-edge products based on advanced research developed in the University


  • The UHP spin-off is based on University Staff skills and knowledge (know-how) of the in Electromagnetics and High Frequency Power Amplification to generate intellectual products (Brain Power) – and develop products with a strong interest both domestic and international with its own technology of Microelectronics and precision Mechanics.
  • The company will provide services with case studies of prototypes and industrial products related to both active and passive components in the field of Radio Frequency and Microwave.


  • The area of ​​operation is on components, both active and passive.
  • Passive components è specific types of diplexers, combiners, filters (especially dual mode)
  • Active components è miniaturized power amplifier with high power and high efficiency

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